Daisy Class at St. Gabriel's


Music playlist for Sensory Sessions and relaxation

March 23rd

Hello from Venetia to everyone in Daisy Class!

First of all let’s listen to a really, really cool song: ‘We’re All In This Together’ from High School Musical!     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbrbUfYSt0E  Why not start every activity session with this song and be sure to get all the family to join in too!  We will definitely add this song to the Daisy Class Song Book – and a few more too! 

By now you will be working your way through the suggested practical tasks and listed activities in the polypocket you brought home.  I hope you enjoy exploring a little bit of everything.  Here now are some more suggestions to consider – some are already tried and trusted activities which will help to reinforce routine, and others are variants of activities to introduce something new.

CIRCLE TIME.  Listen to some of our Circle Time songs which we use every morning:

ENGLISH.   Story time – it’s good fun and promotes memory and sensory learning to clap and tap along to the rhythm and rhyme of the stories.

PLAY.   Games to help develop attention, listening and turn taking:

  • Roll a ball, or a car, between you and your child
  • Build a tower of blocks and knock it over
  • Take turns to add a block, add piece of a jigsaw, to roll the ball between you
  • Sing action songs such as the wheels on the bus
  • Put things in and out of cupboards/boxes/bags


  • Thread large penne/rigatoni pasta onto string
  • Explore and manipulate paper by crumpling and/or tearing

ICT – Continue to try out the cause and effect apps on https://www.helpkidzlearn.com/

Other apps to consider:

  • Cause & Effect/Vision – Finger Paint with Sounds (Inclusive Technology Limited)
  • Music Sparkles.  Music Instruments Collection
  • Music – Kids Piano (Kidstatic Apps)



March 19th

Daisy Class specific resources will appear here shortly. In the meantime, if you have time, see Sensory Project Resources shared by Joanna Grace…❤

COVID19 resources

We appear to be living in some interesting times!As the schools close, this page will list links that could be handy for you as you home educate your children. Feel free to email me extra links: sensorystory@gmail.com
The resources at the top are inclusive resources, the ones in the second section are specific to the virus and the ones at the bottom of the page are aimed at mainstream and mixed audience – but of course anyone can use any of them.

Picture credit Gerd Altmann

Inclusive resources

Story massage have put together a free resource booklet of 36 stories, email them to be sent a copy: mary@storymassage.co.uk 
Pete Wells has some raucous free sensory stories available on his website – and the podcast is well worth a listen too! https://sensorystoriespodcast.com/free-special-stories/
Pete’s home learning kithttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/y3ni3ymgtlbrndd/AABDqPQS9fopyDllT9VnFlnWa?dl=0&fbclid=IwAR1y_qXgQoSlG3gn3493UujII0KRN-_12R-QByln7opkvJoPac-QQixKAtc
The Sensory Projects has project packs for inclusive learning https://www.thesensoryprojects.co.uk/free-educational-resourcesand also some simple sensory games to play https://www.thesensoryprojects.co.uk/guides
The Sensory Dispensary have activities available to download from TES SEN website https://www.tes.com/member/Sensory_Dispensary
Soundabout are offering live online inclusive music sessions  https://www.facebook.com/SoundaboutUK/
Inclusive Teach activities https://inclusiveteach.com/2019/05/13/the-a-z-of-sensory-learning-activities/
Interactive computer activities from Bridgend School  https://sites.google.com/bridgend.ac.uk/alnhomeschool
Riverside home school resources https://www.riversideschool.org.uk/page/?title=Coronavirus%20Home%20Resources&pid=235&fbclid=IwAR0oXXYaTZ1iu3DEuphLBJRVWQTb52U1FXio6N9cF0iDrepic1dWe2hNLxs
31 pages of activity ideas for special school learners (download at the bottom of the page)https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx0aGVzZW5zb3J5cHJvamVjdHN8Z3g6MzYyMTU2M2JlZjI3MDdkZQ
Bank of resources from the Northern Ireland curriculum https://www.nicurriculum.org.uk/curriculum_microsite/TSPC/getting_started/sen/activities_resources.asp
Greenside sensory storieshttps://www.greenside.herts.sch.uk/Creative/SensoryStories/SensoryStories.html?fbclid=IwAR1EaTSk2mu633RKq_wmwPCR9tJ6birjNkm6q7r4RIB9EsVTyQfdmJNMWCA
Website and activity ideas https://twitter.com/teachPMLD/status/1240369135885975554/photo/1
Range of resources including social stories about COVID19 https://www.southendlearningnetwork.co.uk/educationalpsychology
Positive Eye Ideas Machinehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDuVfdg32NY&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR34AI4hEMpthnuBhx5qtpsjN0TqUmTtFQIKFBF3XvOcylV-0hKcEu9qiuY
Ways to learn through playhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpkztoFHIgP4jpJDKWNWaHA
Also….PMLD link is a journal that shares ideas and information relating to supporting people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, subscription for a year is very cheap and gives you access to ALL back issues – lots of ideas and insights within. www.PMLDlink.org.uk
These Facebook groups are also very relevant to those supporting people with profound disabilities https://www.facebook.com/groups/2325718580995940/ and https://www.facebook.com/groups/138188023527963/?ref=br_rs&fb_dtsg_ag=AQy3D9fFGyiuGxvJVapdUTdKD379ooNkexHsdQ34mRj6gA%3AAQy6ok45RWXEkT9sOxyCBx-ADE_lLBRWPdpTnF3Ja7HcmQ&jazoest=27919

March News

Daisy Class LOVED their visit to Liskinnett Horse Farm in February. They are planning another visit soon!

Feb. 12th

Daisy Class, in the Primary Section of the school, have been working hard these last months.  Each pupil was supported in the making of a St Brigid’s Cloak for the 1st February.  At the moment we are making St Valentine’s Day cards for the special people in our lives.  We are looking forward to making pancakes for Shrove Tuesday, and then we will start marking off each day of Lent on our Lenten calendars. Daisy Class are looking forward to our first trip to Liskennet riding centre next week!

Each week we enjoy our timetabled sessions in the sensory room.  Our music sessions are a favourite time each day and we are having lots of fun trying out the new percussion instruments which we bought this year.  Daisy Class have made good progress in adapting ICT to our curriculum, and using switches for different apps and software is making it a great deal more interactive and enjoyable for everyone now. 

We are working on supporting our students with sensory regulation so we are grateful for input from OT colleagues on this and we also try to figure these things out together as a class team.

We enjoy a varied and exciting curriculum with all of the subject areas from sensory immersive “walks” down the beach or through the forest and river as part of geography to group language and communication games using music and ICT to keep everything stimulating and enjoyable.

All lessons are adapted to meet the needs of each individual with huge importance placed on each person’s strengths and abilities.

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© 2024 Crabtree House, Springfield Drive, Dooradoyle, Limerick.

Telephone: 061 302 733

Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20008536

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