Story from Mary News
We are well settled back to school after Christmas and looking forward to the Spring. Our Spring Bulbs are already peeping up in the pots. We are planning to plant some herbs too. We are continuing with the work on the L1LP Junior Cycle. We meet up with the friends in Violet class and do good work in visual art cooking as well as cooking. Some times we link up with Iris class friends for music and bowling. It is good fun and we all love to see the pals. We did art work on the Chinese New Year for “All Around the World”, made dragon shapes as well as everyone’s initial in Chinese Alphabet, in black and lucky red! We also made fortune cookies and shared them with our friends. We also made lucky red jam tarts as well as curry for a truly sensory experience. It was Beth’s 13th Birthday so we had a party with her classmates and the Violet class friends called in too for the fun and singing “Happy Birthday”. Mary wrote a book named “I’m a Teenager Now”so all the teens can experience it, and now Beth can too! Happy Birthday Beth!
Lilac class is a senior class in St. Gabriel’s school. All students participate in the primary school curriculum differentiated to their individual needs.
We enjoy outdoor learning activities in the sensory garden in; SESE, maths and communication and language. Students have enjoyed being involved in fundraising and mini-enterprise activities.
We have also completed modules in ASDAN. In the new academic year, students will start the new Junior Cycle Programme.